Meet Alex Damsker.

With a background spanning law, government, private sector startups, and cutting-edge technologies, Alex gives you a unique opportunity to learn from her experience in finance, startups, investments, blockchain, AI, and more. Top-tier consulting for high-growth individuals and companies. Join her community and let's grow together.

Work with Alex


Former SEC Lawyer, 2x Founder, Startup Advisor, and Educator.

Where business, economics, strategy, people, and psychology meet. Alex specializes in holistic guidance for high-growth individuals and companies.

She will take your knowledge to the next level when it comes to understanding the fundamental flow of money, setting investment goals, understanding risk and risk profiles, understanding market dynamics and signaling, analyzing financial signals and financial statements, and more. 

Whether business or personal growth, Alex is here to help you make better money decisions.

Better Money Decisions, Period.


Booking Alex for a consultation is an excellent way for you to get answers regarding your particular startup or financial question. If you need something explained in more detail, or perhaps a quick synopsis of something discussed in Alex's free membership forums, this service is for you.

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Please note that this does not constitute entering into an attorney-client relationship, and scheduling and/or engaging in a conversation does not mean you have hired Alexandra Damsker as an attorney, advisor, consultant, or other professional arrangement. All discussions are general in nature and do not constitute legal, financial, tax or investment advice. Please contact a professional in your area regarding your specific facts and circumstances.

"Truly successful people never want to be the smartest ones in the room. They know the quality of people around them is what determines their upward mobility." 


 -Alex Damsker

What clients are saying:

"It is rare to meet someone like Alex who has such depth of knowledge as well as passion for entrepreneurship. She also has unique ways of presenting complex information to help people understand a concept."

-Youyi K., Digi International

"Alex is one of the few people I've met who genuinely enjoys helping others, answering questions, and making connections. I would recommend her if you or your team needs any help related to market strategy, or just want to have an insightful talk!"

-Seetha A., Cash App

"Alex was instrumental in connecting me to her high-profile and high-impact network, and I've appreciated her willingness to share her expertise and advice."

-Arlan H., Backstage Capital

No More Guesswork.


Whether you're a builder or investor, a new founder or very experienced: you need your money to work for you.

Get access to hundreds of free resources, including roundtable discussions, recorded audio sessions with Alex, community forums, and direct access to other students. 

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All information contributed in any public forum, including but not limited to social media, is for general information only, and not intended to be legal, financial, or tax advice. Please contact the appropriate counsel local to your area regarding your specific facts and circumstances.